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Welcome To The Teen Safe Zone!

The Teen Safe Zone

Hi everyone! My name is Lexi, and I am a 14-year-old high school freshman who created this blog to be a safe site for teens to express themselves without getting judged, and maybe learn a thing or two about life! Throughout this entire year, I've had thoughts that I wonder if other teens have or if it's just me. The answer is, "No, I'm not the only one." It's just that other people would rather hide their true thoughts and feelings to fit into society. Well, here I am. I see on a day-to-day basis how much pressure society puts on today's teen generation; well, everyone really, but especially teens. I see how teens go down the wrong road in life to impress people, or even worse. I know how it feels to be judged and bullied, and I don't wish that on anyone; it breaks my heart every time a life is taken because of it.

I originally started a lifestyle blog a few months ago, but I figured it wasn't for me. Instead, I could use my words and kindness to comfort other teens and people in general; that's what I'm meant to do. So here on this blog website, I will be talking about real-life issues teens actually go through instead of a made-up high school fantasy. I will talk about peer pressure, fitting in, toxic friends and friend groups, accepting yourself, letting people go, learning how to let people go, and more! Some of which I have actually gone through myself, while others are just my opinion on what I'd do if I were in that position. I hope you all find comfort on this website. Make sure to subscribe to the blog, and I'll see you all in my next "official" post! -Lexi

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