Hi everyone! Welcome or welcome back to 'The Teen Safe Zone', where it is safe for teens to be themselves. Today's blog is dedicated for all of the teenage girls reading this blog post. Below, is a letter I wrote to all of the teenage girls out there (including myself). Hope you enjoy!
Dear Teenage Girls,
Here's a 'letter' just for you! As a teenage girl, I understand how much pressure society and sometimes even family and friends put on us. We're expected to be mature like adults but are still treated like kids at times. I get it, it's tough. As a result, we give our all to others solely for their approval. We cover our face full of makeup to feel pretty, we buy a size smaller in clothes to feel skinny, we straighten our hair every day just to feel 'good enough' for society, but in reality, is it really worth it? Take a moment to ask yourself that. It is really worth still being treated like you're invisible? People get the entertainment that they want, and then they leave you again. When was the last time someone actually asked how you were, and not just asking for small talk and to start a conversation? Well, let me be the first. How are you? No really, how are you? Are you sad, are you angry, are you really happy, or is it just something you tell people so they won't start asking a million questions why? Are those same people you are trying to impress there for you when you're crying silently at night?
Something that we're all lacking in some shape, way, or form, is confidence. Sometimes we may not even realize that we're slowly losing ourselves by trying to please other people. We lose our confidence trying to be like everyone else but ourselves. We go through so many hormones, and for some of us, extreme disorders like anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, instead of assisting us during our most vulnerable times, society takes advantage of us. They mock us, they make us feel bad, they manipulate us, they use our disorders for 'trends'. In reality, when they're all home and fast asleep, we're the ones who actually have to deal with this stuff. We can't just tell a disorder to "go away and come back another day". It doesn't work like that.
Our confidence is so important and something we all need to work on before anything else. Our confidence is what lets us know that we are good enough, despite what society says. Our confidence is our strength in this battle, and if you lack it, you will lose the battle. You will continue to let people take advantage of you and tell you that you aren't good enough. You can be nerdy, you can be 'weird' in society's eyes, but honestly, we are just different. Different is good. Don't let anyone tell you different. We are all 'fearfully and wonderfully made'. Society doesn't like different. They expect humanity to be the same, when in reality, that's not the way we were made. We were made with different skin tones, different hair colors and types, different body shapes, different eye colors, different personalities, and different gifts, and they're all beautiful! We need to accept who we are and not put ourselves in a box and categorize ourselves. We are more than labels and our stories are bigger than just a plain old box.
Where you started off is not where your story will end. We all go through obstacles in life, but those things are just for a surprise at the end of our climb. Just know that you're here for a reason, and if you woke up today, you have a purpose, and God isn't done with you yet. So please don't take the precious gift you have been given, life. Our stories are an inspiration to someone else. Life was never meant to be picture perfect. We go through storms in life so we can get the rainbow at the end. You are perfect just the way you are, and we don't need makeup, or a relationship to tell us that. You should know and believe that for yourself.
-Sincerely, another teenage girl :)
I think I almost cried reading this!!!! Thank you sooooo much for this 😭
Hope you all enjoy this letter! Comment down below if you want me to do more 'letter to' blogs 😉