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Hi! I'm Lexi!

Hello! My name is Lexi. I am 16 years old and I am a high school junior! In my free time, I love to sing, listen to music, make YouTube videos (link above), and read. I am a huge introvert, and I'm not really good with people. Sometimes I feel like being an introvert affects my social life. I always have thoughts such as "I don't fit in with the people in my age group" or "I don't have anything in common with people my age." I started to realize that I may not be the only teenager feeling this way. What if every teen feels this way, but instead of being honest, they all play the game and get involved with what society does? Is it all just an act? I wanted to create this website because I know I'm not the only one who thinks certain things, and I just want to let other teens know that they are not alone. 


I never in my life thought that I would become a teen blogger, or a blogger in general, but sometimes in life you realize that you hold more power than you think! You'll never know how far you can go if you don't take the risk, right? I want my blog to be an example to other teens, including myself, that just because you're young, you can do a lot more than you think! Never let anyone underestimate your abilities.


I want this website to be a judgmental-free zone for teens and even pre-teens to express themselves without the pressure of society. On this website, I will discuss peer pressure, friendships, adolescent experiences, the effects of social media, and remaining your authentic self, as I promise to remain my authentic self. No one should ever have to be judged or experience bullying, etc. I am by no means an expert in life, just a typical teenage girl sharing my thoughts and experiences with other teens! So, enjoy my blog website and learn a thing or two along the way! Supporting and sharing this website is very much appreciated! - Lexi


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